How to Sew a Ladder Stitch

How to Sew a Ladder Stitch

The ladder stitch, aka the blind stitch, is a magical hand-sewing stitch that is so satisfying to sew. It's perfect for closing seams with a clean finish (no stitches visible!) and is commonly used for closing stuffed toys, pillows, or other projects where you need to close up a seam by hand. 

Tips for the Ladder Stitch:

  • Use a thread color that closely matches your fabric color.

  • Keep your stitches small and even.

  • Make sure the "rungs" of your ladder are straight and parallel to each other.

  • Pull the thread gently when closing the seam to avoid puckering.

How to Sew a Ladder Stitch:

Click the image below for a quick video tutorial, or keep scrolling for written, step-by-step instructions!

Step 1:
Thread your needle and tie a knot at the end.

Step 2: Insert the needle from inside one folded edge of the fabric and pull it through so the knot is hidden inside the seam.

Step 3: Bring the needle across to the opposite side of the seam, directly across from the point where your thread just exited. Insert your needle into the opposite folded edge. 

Step 4: Bring the needle out a small stitch length away. In other words, while the needle is inserted in the fold, move it a stitch length away then bring it back out of the fabric. Make sure you have not picked up any fabric on the front (i.e., visible) side. 

Step 5: Now repeat Steps 3-4 until you reach the end of your seam opening. You're basically just moving back and forth between the two sides of the seams, creating a "ladder" effect. Make sure, however, that the "rungs" of the ladder are straight, i.e. parallel to each other. Diagonal rungs will result in puckering. 

Step 6: Now it's time for magic. Once you reach the end of your seam opening, gently pull the thread to tighten the "rung" stitches. The seam opening should close neatly, making the stitches disappear entirely! 

Step 7: Secure the stitch with a knot beneath the fold of either seam side. Alternatively, you can bring the needle underneath the last "rung" and tie a knot around the "rung." Then bury the needle in the seam fabric and trim the thread from underneath. 

The ladder stitch will give your hand-sewing a polished, professional finish. With a little practice, you'll be closing your seams invisibly every time. Happy stitching! 


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